Whatever the Weather, We’ll Weather the Weather

It was a misty, moisty day, but spirits were not the least bit dampened as we observed the annual May Fair festival last Friday. While the raindrops fell, we welcomed in the Maine spring with maypole dancing, music, gymnastics, and merriment. Even though some activities had to be canceled, we still enjoyed free popcorn, cakes galore, colorful willow crowns, and face painting. In a stroke of brilliance, the Serve-A-Thon committee offered coffee and hot cocoa for sale along with their Marketplace goods. All in all, it was a lovely afternoon, filled with color, laughter, and friendship.

Thanks to all who helped make this another wonderful May Fair: the teachers who taught their classes the dances, songs, and gymnastics; Ms. Spanglet who popped a mountain of popcorn; Ms. Leonore and her blue accordion—a ray of sunshine on cloudy day and alumni Louis Mainella who so gallantly held the umbrella. A big shout out, also, to Bridget Qualey, our faithful keeper of the maypole ribbons, and to Barney Hildreth for repairing the maypole and Barney, Julia Dodge, and Jen Corning for hoisting it. Thank you, also, to all who came, all who baked, all who participated in the Serve-A-Thon activities, and all who helped to turn what might otherwise have been just another dreary afternoon into a day full of joy.  



