Alumni Spotlight: Alex Wilder ’08
After Ashwood, I did a year at Camden-Rockport Middle School before attending high school at Camden Hills. I loved my time at CHRHS, where I participated in the choral program, the musicals, and the nordic ski team. I did my undergraduate degree in Musical Studies at Oberlin College, after which I returned to Maine to…
Aidan Acosta ’12
I graduated from Ashwood in 2012 and went to Camden Hills, where I mountain biked on the high school team and joined the Windplanners. In Windplanners, we financed a solar array using this method called a power purchase agreement which I thought was very cool. Margo Murphy was an inspiration during high school to a…
Emma Berryman-Moore ’10
My name is Emma Berryman-Moore, and I graduated from Ashwood in 2010, which feels impossibly long ago! I attended Camden Hills Regional High School and graduated in 2014, before moving on to the University of New Hampshire (2014-2018), where I graduated Summa Cum Laude with a dual degree in Environmental Economics and International Affairs (minors…
Ina Wolovitz ’20
“This past September, I started high school at Camden Hills Regional High School. It has been a wonderful year (though it’s not over). Both semesters, I kept busy, taking nine classes in the first semester and eight this semester. I enjoy most of my classes, especially Algebra II and English. This spring, I joined the…
Scarlet Labbe-Watson ’20
I am now a freshman at Watershed. It has been a very fun experience getting to know everyone at my new school, and despite COVID restrictions I have been able to become part of a very fun, silly, and supportive cohort this year. Outside of school I am continuing to pursue violin, which I learned…
Alumni Spotlight: Harper Alexander ’06
After graduating from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Harper moved to Los Angeles where he worked as a cinematographer for several years. During this time he met and married Evelina Santaguida, an Italian language teacher and accomplished cook. Together they created the hit YouTube channel, Pasta Grammar, where they apply their…
Alumni Spotlight: Alec Donoso ’02
I am currently serving as an officer in the US Navy, and I have just been stationed in DC, after finishing up a three year tour assigned to a Whidbey Island based Navy squadron. While there I had the chance to deploy to the Mediterranian, the Middle East, and the western Pacific.
Brianna Shepard ’00
Brianna Shepard (class of ’00) was in Maine recently, and stopped by Ashwood to visit EC Teacher Marianne Bockli and take a walk around the campus. She really enjoyed showing her husband Tim the school and fondly remembering her time there as a student. Brianna is currently spending winters in Colorado where she works as…
Harry Ohland ’04
I’m currently living in Austin, TX and working for Facebook in the People Analytics group.My girlfriend and I are very fortunate in that we have both been able to work from home during the pandemic. As we spent the majority of the year at home we did manage to check quite a few books off…
Cullan Hamilton ’16
I went to Camden Hills Regional High School, where I really got into languages and decided I wanted to work in the U.S. Foreign Service. I now go to the University of Maine Orono and I major in International Relations and Political Science. I still love languages (I’m learning 7), I’ve taken up boxing as…
Kate Kemper ’16
This year has been strange to say the least. However, my college plans proceeded on a surprisingly normal schedule. I am attending the University of Maine (at Orono) in the honors college, planning on studying somewhere in the physics field, and continuing to learn French, as I started to do at Ashwood and continued through…
Alumni Spotlight: Sarah Miller ’02
I graduated from 8th grade at Ashwood in 2002 and was well prepared for high school at CHRHS. I started college at Bennington College, then transferred to the University of Vermont and studied anthropology, with a semester in Bali in between. During college I started working with resettled refugees, sparking a passion that I’ve been…